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indian short story writer

Indian-origin Avni Doshi's debut novel 'Burnt Sugar' shortlisted for 2020 Booker Prize

indian-Origin Author Avni Doshi Among Six Others On Booker Prize 2020 List The shortlist was unveiled virtually in London on Tuesday after judges re-evaluated the 13 longlisted novels published in the UK  or Ireland between October 2019 and September 2020 to whittle down the shortlist for the GBP 50,000 literary prize in November.
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तीन रेल्वे इंजिन”

       कथा         तीन रेल्वे इंजिन”” रेल्वे सिरीज चा रचेतारेल्वे सिरीज चा रचेता थॉमस टँक इंजिन  ,  अँथ्रोपोमॉर्फिक  लोकोमोटिव्ह इंजिन जे सोदोरच्या काल्पनिक बेटाच्या रेलला स्वार करते. थॉमस  अ‍ॅण्ड फ्रेंड्स  या दीर्घकाळ चालणार्‍या टेलिव्हिजन मालिकेमध्ये  थॉमस  टँक इंजिन आहे . थॉमस केवळ एक लहान इंजिन आहे, परंतु त्याच्यात  महत्वाकांक्षा आहे  . त्याच्या “सोयीसाठी उपयुक्त इंजिन” बनण्याच्या सध्या सुरू असलेल्या प्रयत्नात - सोदोर रेल्वेवरील सर्वात शक्य स्तुती - तो बर्‍याचदा मोठ्या कार्ये आणि इंजिनला अनुकूल ठरतील अशी कार्ये आणि पराकोटीचा प्रयत्न करतो. त्याच्या उतावळेपणामुळे तो कोणत्याही संकटाचा शेवट होणार नाही, परंतु त्याच्या साथीदारांच्या मदतीने आणि रेल्वे व्यवस्थापक सर तोफम हॅटच्या जपलेल्या डोळ्याखाली तो नेहमीच आपल्या साहसातून सुरक्षितपणे उदयास येत. व्यक्तिरेखा निर्मित केली होती विलबर्ट वेरे ऑड्री यांनी आपल्या मुला, ख्रिस्तोफरला सांगितलेल्या कथांवर आधारित मुलांच्या पुस्तकांच्या मालिकेत. या मालिकेतील पहिली,  थ्री रेलवे इंजिन  (१,.,) यांनी ब्रिटीश मुलांच्या कल्पनांना पकडले आणि थॉमसच्या सतत सुरू

2020 मधिल मराठी साहित्य रत्न काळवश

 2020 मधिल   साहित्य रत्न काळवश 2020 मधिल साहित्य रत्न काळवश . उत्तम बंडू तुपे उत्तम बंडू तुपे (जन्म : एनकूळ-खटाव (सातारा जिल्हा), १ जानेवारी १९४२; मृत्यू : पुणे, २६ एप्रिल २०२०) हे एक मराठी साहित्यिक होते.टोपणनाव:- झुलवाकार तब्बल १६ कादंबऱ्यांसह अनेक लघुकथांना शब्दरूप देणाऱ्या उत्तम बंडू तुपे यांची 'झुलवा' ही कादंबरी प्रचंड गाजली. तेव्हापासून ते 'झुलवा'कार म्हणूनच ओळखले जाऊ लागले. खुळी, कळा, कळाशी, नाक्षारी, भस्म, चिपाड, इंजाळ, झावळ या त्यांच्या कादंबऱ्याही गाजल्या. अनेक कादंबऱ्यांना पुरस्कार मिळाले. 'आंदण' या कथासंग्रहाला महाराष्ट्र साहित्य परिषदेचा पुरस्कार मिळाला. 'काट्यावरची पोटं' या आत्मकथेला महाराष्ट्र शासनाचा उत्कृष्ट वाङ्मय पुरस्कार मिळाला. 'झुलवा' कादंबरीला राज्य सरकारचा पुरस्कार मिळाला. आंदण (लघुकथा संग्रह) इजाळ (कादंबरी) कळा (कादंबरी) कळाशी (कादंबरी) काट्यावरची पोटं (आत्मचरित्र) कोबारा (लघुकथा संग्रह) खाई (कादंबरी) खुळी (कादंबरी) चिपाड (कादंबरी) झावळ (कादंबरी) झुलवा (कादंबरी) नाक्षारी (कादंबरी) पिंड (लघुकथा संग्रह) भस्म (कादंबरी) म

perumal murugan

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  Ngugi wa Thiong’o A meeting in the dark is a short story by Kenya’s prolific writer, Ngugi wa Thiong’o. The story is set in Kenya, among the Kikuyu community. The story is about a young man called John, who is among the few young men in his community to have acquired the ‘white man’s education’. In the story, John is revered and looked upon by many members of his community as the perfect representation of a ‘true African son’. John had managed to complete all the levels of education available in the country at that time and was set to leave for further education in a neighbouring country. John, as the main character in the story is portrayed as optimistic about his future, once he acquires higher education. However there is something else that i


  Known as one of the early feminist Tamil writers, R.Chudamani’s select stories are most relevant today as you would realise while studying each short story, a real life slice from our own lives and conversations. n ‘A Chair and Death’, where the aged mother defies class distinctions by allowing her maid’s son to sit on the chair with the family while watching TV and then being forced by the objections of her family members to allow the child to sit only in her presence, the class and caste distinctions that continue to sway Indian families is examined sans judgment. “Herself’ is a powerful short story. This captures a married daughter’s turbulent emotions when she returns to her parental home,with a longing to be thoroughly pampered by her mother and is shocked to find that her mother is no longer at her beck and call. She struggles to discover that her mother has made an identity of her own. She questions her father about why he is not objecting to this and fails to understand his r

bookerprize winner 2020

  The longlist, or ‘The Booker Dozen’, for The 2020 Booker Prize is announced today, Tuesday 28 July 2020. This year’s longlist of 13 books was selected by a panel of five judges:  Margaret Busby  (chair), editor, literary critic and former publisher;  Lee Child ,  author ;  Sameer Rahim ,  author and critic;  Lemn Sissay ,  writer and broadcaster ;  and  Emily Wilson ,  classicist and translator . The list was chosen from 162 novels published in the UK or Ireland between 1 October 2019 and 30 September 2020. The Booker Prize for Fiction is open to writers of any nationality, writing in English and published in the UK or Ireland. The 2020 longlist, or ‘The Booker Dozen’, of 13 novels, is: Author (country/territory)             Title  (imprint) Diane Cook  (USA)                            The New Wilderness  (Oneworld Publications) Tsitsi Dangarembga  (Zimbabwe)  This Mournable Body  (Faber & Faber) Avni Doshi  (USA)                              Burnt Sugar   (Hamish Hamilton, Pengu


hushwant Singh (born Khushal Singh, 2 February 1915 – 20 March 2014) was an Indian author, lawyer, diplomat, journalist and politician. His experience in the 1947 Partition of India inspired him to write Train to Pakistan in 1956 (made into film in 1998), which became his most well-